TV Green multimedia platform
TV Green is a YouTube-based channel that presents new technologies, business news and worldwide events in a simple, engaging way.
TV Green is a multimedia platform focused on showcasing innovative technologies, important business events and interesting investments. Each news item is presented through a short movie detailing its most important aspects in an easy to understand way, accompanied by compelling visuals and audio.
The YouTube channel is frequently updated with short movies on interesting developments in the following categories:
- PROJECTS – interesting and lucrative projects for capital placing, modern solutions for future in a start-up form;
- GREEN CARS – conducting the idea of non-emission mobility as a response to the environmental needs;
- INNOVATIONS – information on how to implement technology transfer effectively and how to build a competitive position on the market;
- EMIRATES – presentation of our integration structure and improvement of communication between the Emirate and the European business society;
- TECHNOLOGIES – information about our successfully developed new technologies;
- INTERVIEWS – presentation of interesting interviews which we were able to conduct;
- NEWS – review of the latest news not only from the business world but about technology, science and innovations as well;
- OFFER – presentation of our achievements, projects and acquired experience.
TVGreen writers are world renown experts, scientists and entrepreneurs, which guarantees high quality of the presented information.