Repository of knowledge and operation and maintenance manual of geothermal systems and heat pumps, biogas plants, water plants, wind farms along with software

The subject matter of the project is to create the knowledge repository based on digital resources, which consists of database with software allowing Internet access and direct access to the collected and stored resources as well as software operating on the basis of the Internet which plays the role of the platform of knowledge managed by the dedicated CMS system (Content Management System). This platform is to be a system of cooperation, support and collecting knowledge on the development of electric cars market, the infrastructure of their charging and production of electric energy out of renewable sources. The system is also to facilitate the completion of the investment associating micro power plants (renewable energy sources) with the systems of storing energy and charging electric vehicles.

The task of the platform is also to coordinate and link business partners with each other in order to carry out the investment in the field of broadly understood industry of electric vehicles and dispersed sources of electric energy production; as well as to support business partners with expertise and experience. Scientific articles and publications on electric vehicles (including: electric drives of the vehicles, electric fittings of the vehicles and traditional batteries) and manners of producing energy to the vehicles for the following fields: wind, geothermic, biogas and water energy will be prepared. The knowledge hidden in the repository will concern technologies and market. Simultaneously, an operational and maintenance manual with an educational character will be drafted. This manual will be composed of general technical characteristics, functioning diagrams, as well as general instructions and lists of the most relevant elements being part of the following systems: geothermal, heat pumps, biogas plants, water plants and wind plants.

Value of the project: PLN 800,000.00 gross.

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