We offer complex solutions in terms of Data Centre designing and managing.
Data Centre products for design and management allow for convenient and effective planning of IT infrastructure and technical installations. The products we offer allow gathering data on current work of all systems having impact on the Data Centre’s work online and enable execution of reports and analyses.
Basic functionalities of suggested solution:
- Visualization,
- Validation,
- Control,
- Alarms,
- Planning,
- Data analysis.
Use of application for management and planning:
- Design and equipment resources management support,
- Summaries and reports’ generation based on gathered data,
- Management of one or many data centres of different sizes,
- Environment for virtualization, data bases, big data solutions, business applications,
- Cooperation with cloud environment.
The applications may be used for data centres and systems management: electrical supply, data racks, air conditioning and airflow, security detection and extinguishing.
Application’s main supported processes are:
- Intelligent space management and planning,
- Shift management,
- Resources management,
- Resource visualization.
Benefits coming from the application’s use:
- Designing time shortage,
- Optimization of the use of resources,
- Control via system platform,
- Energy media use costs decrease,
- Service level increase,
- Increase of competitiveness,
- Possibility of using a set of web applications cooperating with our cloud system.