Green Control – is a fully automated measurement – billing system for water, gas and electricity.
The most important part of the system are two-way mediating communication modules in information exchange between the meter and the center gathering and analyzing data concerning utilities consumption. The system is characterized with following functionalities:
- Communication between a meter and the center via public network in real time,
- Basing on the data from the meter and unit prices, the center calculates the exact cost of consumption of a particular utility,
- Billing information are send to the user via integrated Internet platform,
- Bills may be paid from the platform’s level,
- The user has access to the water, gas and energy consumption and to history of payments,
- The meters have the option of switching off and on the energy flow depending on the level of its use and may cooperate with a local domestic network,
- Implementation of intelligent meters allows for achieving a decrease of usage costs of utilities of even 10%,
- Calculation of forecast consumption of water, gas and energy via automated center is more accurate for almost 80%,
- The system is of a nationwide range, easy to implement independently from the size of a territorial unit.
The meters are equipped with Bluetooth, BLE and Wi-Fi communication segments and a radio 433-840 MHz segment. They are set for cooperation with any amount of water, electricity, gas or other measurement utilities meters.