ASR – is an innovative “black box”, which main designation is to analyze the accident and immediately inform proper offices about the occurrence.

Measuring System consists of:

  • System of spatial orientation,
  • Navigation system,
  • System of measuring g-force,

Extension System

Way of communication: OBD2, an alarm, pager, barcode reader, display with the touch panel and a device compatible with Bluetooth 4.0 and ANT/ANT+.

Basic functionality

1.   “Black box”

  • Record of detailed driving parameters with 100[Hz] frequency,
  • Record of basic driving parameters, asynchronous
  • Record of accidents exceeding acceptable g-force – two levels of configuration: – low g-force threshold – low priority, – high threshold – high priority;

2.   Communication with GreenCloud:

  • Transfer of archived, basic driving parameters;
  • Transfer of archived accidents with the possibility to download detailed driving parameters covering the time of an accident, e.g. 30 seconds before the accident and 10 second after the accident;
  • Configuring the work of “black box” and devices of Extension System;

Communication System

Modules such as: GSM, WIFI, USB, radio working at 2.4[GHz]band, radio working at 315[MHz], 433[MHz], 868[MHz], 915[MHz] bands. The systems communicate with Green Cloud – a system of quick informing about road accidents (E-Call).

Archiving system

Data carriers such as: NOR Flash, NAND Flash, FRAM and microSD.

Extended functionality

1.   “Black box”

Archiving measurement and accidents of the extension system

2. Communication with GreenCloud:

Configuring the work of devices from Extension System;

3. Peripheral devices:

  • Remote reading of the diagnosis parameters, on board diagnostics level 2 (OBDII);
  • Alarm system protecting the cars from being stolen, remotely informs about the occurrence;
  • Graphical interface allowing to configure the work of ASR Integration of ASR with IoT devices.
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