Our Goals

Green Cars Cluster was established in order to put into effect efficient and eco-friendly technological solutions. Several important entities participated in execution of the project: Electrotechnical Institute in Warsaw, Polish Electrical Engineers Association (SEP) and many others. List of the Cluster’s members presented below. List of affiliated companies.

The nature of the consortium it to execute joint undertakings which aim at gradual withdrawal from using crude oil and development of non-combustion vehicles market. It especially concentrates on the implementation of new technologies and organisational, manufacturing, as well as research and development solutions, as well as conducting educational and promotional campaigns.

Main objectives of Green Cars Cluster:

 gradual elimination of oil from the Polish economy,
 creation and development of alternative or low-emission vehicles’ market,
 improvement of electric vehicles’ design and other low-emission technologies,
 promotion of non-combustion vehicles and renewable energy sources,
 organisation of cooperation between science, industry, power engineering and regional authorities
 integration of electric vehicles market participants,
 promotion and implementation of innovative solutions in low-emission vehicles market’s sector,
 implementation of new technologies for electric energy storage,
 cooperation with foreign entities in the field of innovative solutions’ implementation.